Aim & Objective

  • The promotion of education in all its aspects including imparting of education through night schools, maintenance of libraries, both stationary and moving and publication of books and magazines.
  • To establish and maintain hospitals and thus provide treatment of the sufferers and also provide free medical attendance to the needy.
  • To help orphans, backward people, adivasies, the handicapped, the juvenile criminals and such other destitute people as may require such and develop them to useful citizens.
  • To organise and train volunteer corps for social service such as rendering help at the time of festivals, havocs and other suitable occasions as well as during fires, and specially to work among Adivasies and Backward classes for the amelioration of their condition.
  • To disseminate progressive ideas and culture.
  • To organise study groups, cultural associations and debating groups.
  • To maintain and run institutions where training in cottage industries and other similar products could be given.
  • To organise children groups on the line of 'Balchar Organisations'.
  • To enlighten men and women about their fundamental rights and duties of citizenship.
  • To establish mutual relationship groups within India and abroad.
  • To carry on publishing work with the purpose of the spread of true and cheap education as well as for culturing the reading habit and to give publicity to the work and affairs of the organisation.
  • To hold funds and materials necessary for the purpose already collected and to raise further funds and materials by receiving subscriptions and donations as well as grants in aid from the Government.
  • To apply funds and materials towards the objects of the Sangh.
  • To work for the spread and dissemination of improving methods of social and moral hygiene.
  • To work for improvement of labour and establish Labour Welfare Centres.
  • To organise and set up groups for spread of knowledge and progressive ideas regarding Family Planning.
  • To take up all such activities as are not contrary to the purpose of the organisation and the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, and approved by the Executive Committee of the Sangh, from time to time.